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Have you seen Treak Cliff Cavern?

Located in the Peak District National Park by the picturesque village of Castleton is the unique Treak Cliff Cavern. It’s an interesting place for those staying in the Peak District to visit, as it is the only place in the world where Blue John Stone occurs naturally. With a fascinating history and a feast for the eyes, we think this cavern is well worth a visit!

Why you should visit

The Blue John Stone found in the cavern is an unusual purple-blue colour, which Derbyshire people began to mine using hand tools in the 18th century. It’s believed to have been given its name from the French for blue and yellow, ‘bleu et jaune.’ The main tunnel allows you to see veins of Blue John Stone running across the cave ceiling, plus the largest piece of Blue John Stone ever found in the main pillar.

The cavern also boasts some amazing stalactites. These are the main feature in the ‘Fairyland’ and ‘Dream Cave’ parts of the tour. You and your family will enjoy seeing the mysterious and colourful stone formations in the ‘Witch’s Cave’ and ‘Aladdin’s Cave’. Along the way, your guide will point out fossils in the rock walls and ceiling, which formed the hillside above the cavern 330 million years ago.

Blue John Stone became very fashionable during the 18th century. At first, it was used mainly in the decoration of stately homes and churches. However, craftsmen turned the usable stone into ornaments and jewellery. The cavern is still mined today, and jewellery and ornaments made from this unique stone are now sold in the gift shop! 

Facilities and the local area

Taking a walk around the cavern isn’t the only thing you can do on the site. You can enjoy a tea or coffee made from water collected inside the cavern! At various times of the year, there are special events where you can try polishing your own Blue John Stone.

Dog owners will be pleased to hear that dogs on leads are welcome at all times to the cavern. If your family is interested in visiting, you may wish to look into buying a family ticket, which can save you a decent amount of money. Otherwise, adults cost £8.75, children ages 5 to 15 are £4.75 and children under 5 years old are free. Discounted tickets are available to students and senior citizens.

The entrance to the cavern gives you beautiful views down the Hope Valley to Castleton. Those fond of history can also take a walk up the steep hill from Castleton to Peveril Castle. This Grade I listed building was built in 1080 under the orders of William I, and is an important monument in the Peak District’s landscape. Admission to the castle is under £5 for all, or completely free for English Heritage members! You can purchase cold drinks and ice creams from the visitor centre in Castleton or take a picnic to enjoy the view.

Keen walkers can also explore nearby Mam Tor (pictured above), known as the ‘shivering mountain’ due to the way it appears to shiver as loose rocks slide off the front of the slope. It’s worth the uphill climb as the top provides excellent views. If you take the popular footpath along the ridge toward Lose Hill, you’ll be able to see right over the Peak District, including the stunning Stanage Edge. The National Trust encourages walkers to follow recommended routes, as these are specially constructed to reduce erosion of the landscape. This is particularly important where areas of archaeological interest are being preserved. If you fancy taking a walk in the Castleton area, visit the Castleton Tourist Information Centre to be advised on suitable routes.

The Peak District is famous for its hills and rocky outcrops. After hiking the scenic countryside, we recommend going underground into Treak Cliff Cavern. Discover what secrets and beauty are hidden under the surface of this popular national park.

This guide was last updated on October 24, 2013
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